Monday, July 02, 2007
Here We Are
I'm looking forward to using blogspot for awhile. We started back on blogger a LONG time ago (like four or five years) and while I didn't keep up with as much as I should have, I did enjoy it. When I got my own domain two years ago, I never even considered putting the blog there.

Until six months ago. (more on that later)

It took me four weeks to get ALL of the previous years posts and comments moved to my own domain. Well, the hosting has expired and I really don't care about owning my own domain anymore. The blog is much more fun. So the website is gone and we are back here.

I am contemplating NOT moving all of the posts here. It would be too much of a pain. Besides, so much of it is from a previous relationship which is also uhm... a pain... or painful. So I''ll probably start over with new content.

We'll see. Maybe I'll move the pictures and personal stories, etc.

Just be patient. Bookmark us here instead. Say hi! I'll come visit you!


posted by Kellyn Mitchell at 12:24 AM | Permalink |