Wednesday, May 20, 2009
She'd Never Forget Again
I wrote this a few years ago. I don't know what prompted it either, as I don't typically a) write this type of story, ever. and b.) I don't condone the spanking of children. At any rate, it was written and I'm sharing. LOL I haven't edited it, so if it has a spelling mistake or something, just ignore it and move on. I can have someone punish me for it later. (ha, as if!)

She'd Never Forget Again

He stood hesitatingly outside the doorway of her bedroom. Staring at the carved words on her doorway. “Keep Out”. He brought his finger to the O and traced it with his fingers, recalling the previous year when she had recieved her first spanking at seven years old for defacing the door. And then again later that evening when they discovered that she had taken the sharp knife out of her father’s toolbox in which to actually do the carving. He could remember it like it was yesterday. At the end of the ordeal, and a rather painful one at that, she had promised that she would never earn another spanking again as long as she lived. He shook his head. She hadn’t done anything to earn a spanking. Until today.

He recalled the events of the past several hours with a mixture of anger, defeat and frustration. She had come home from school, done her homework as her mother had instructed, and by the time he had arrived home for dinner, the house seemed relaxed and happy. Until the phone rang. Normally anyone calling at dinner hour was a telemarketer, and they ignored the phone. But a quick glance at the phone indicated a local unknown caller. This made James decide to answer the phone. An act he was both relieved, yet irritated about as he felt his stomach rumble slightly. Dinner never was finished that evening.

From the moment the woman’s voice sounded through the phone line, he could tell something was the matter. She indentified herself as Stacey’s third grade art teacher. Immediately she went to apologize for calling this late in the evening. He glanced at the clock. 6:12pm. Not late at all, but he supposed for a school teacher, it was uncommon for them to do business after normal school hours. His eyes strayed over to Stacey who sat slumped in her chair, pushing food around the plate with her fork. Because he hadn’t said anything at his end of the phone call identifying the caller, he knew that in reality she shouldn’t have any idea who he was talking to. Except, that by the quick change in demeanor he knew she did. Stacey not only was obviously having some sort of trouble at school, she had not let anyone know this. He confirmed his suspiscions by glancing at his wife and seeing her questioning gaze and she stuck a fork full of salad into her mouth and began chewing.

As he hung up the phone, he turned his back to the family for a moment to collect himself. Anger was seering through his body, as well as confusion. Apparently Stacey had been stealing from the art room several times a week, and today she had been caught and spent more than half the day in the principal’s office. She had also been informed that her teacher would be calling her parents to speak to them. Stacey knew this call was coming, yet instead of confessing to her parents what was happening, she had tried desperately throughout the evening to hide her act from her parents.

“James honey, who was on the phone? What was that all about?”

He took a deep breath and turned around to face his wife and daughter. He caught sight of Stacey, just as she dropped her fork next to her plate. She looked up, her face full of guilt.

“Young lady, you might as well march your bottom up those stairs. You will go to your room and sit on your bed and wait for me there. Do you understand me?” Stacey blinked once, swallowed hard and nodded her head.

Normally he would have demanded a “Yes sir.” from his typically polite and respectful daughter, but there was time for that later. Right now he needed a few moments, before he lost his cool. He also needed to explain to her mother what she had done. After Stacey had left the room, Kim stood up and crossed the room to where her husband was standing.

“What is it James? What happened?” she demanded, sounding a bit angry herself. Stacey was normally a well behaved little girl, seldom in trouble for anything. But by the tone her husband had used, he knew something was going on.

“Well, apparently we are the parents of a kleptomaniac.” James boomed as he released the breath he had been holding.

“What? She stole something? From where? When?” Kim knew she could have kept asking questions, but she was suddenly starting to think about something she had noticed a few times while cleaning Stacey’s room. There had been several instances lately, where she had been cleaning and found things she hadn't recalled purchasing for her daughter. She shook off the strange feelings, deciding that she must have gotten them as gifts for her birthday a few months back. It never, ever occured to her that her daugther might have stolen them.

James retold the story to his wife that Stacey’s art teacher had told him. Kim shared with him, about finding the items in her room occasionally and thinking that something seemed strange. The entire time Kim stood shaking her head as he recounted the teachers words and she told him of finding the items. When there was a pause, Kim looked into her husband’s eyes and whispered softly. “She needs to be punished, you know.”

"Oh, I intend to do exactly that.” he turned and headed for the stairs listening to the fading sounds of his wife cleaning up dinner plates and silverware clanking together.

As he stood outside her door, he wasn’t even sure how he was going to proceed. Oh sure, he knew she was going to get a spanking she would probably never ever forget as long as she lived, and that she would more than likely feel for a few days, but exactly how remained to be seen.

His hand pushed open Stacey’s door and he stood staring at his daughter sitting on the end of her bed, feet dangling. Her legs quit swinging as soon as she realized he was there.

“Daddy, I.....” she started.

“Don’t you say a word. I would be happy to hear your version of the story and how it happened, but before anything happens at all, I want to know something.” Stacey looked up at her father hoping against hope that he wasn’t really as mad as she was fearing he was. The butterflies in her stomach paused only for a moment as she waited to hear the question.

“Did you remove any materials that were not yours, from any room at your school, at any time ever?”

Stacey looked down at her hands which were tightly clamped together. She nodded slowly.

It took James exactly three strides, and three seconds to have pulled his daughter up to a standing position, sat himself down on the bed and turned her over his knee.

Her upper body fit across his left leg as her girlish legs fell just under his right leg. From the moment his hand met the seat of her short clad bottom, she was squealing in protest. “Please daddy. Nooooo! Ow! Ow!!”. He rained down at least twenty firm spanks before he released her.

Stacey stood on her two feet rubbing her bottom mercfully. James looked at his daughter, and was absolutely stunned to see that her eyes were dry. In fact, for a moment, he thought perhaps he had missed her rubbing the tears away, but there wasn’t a pink stain around her eyes or a wet trail down her cheeks. He laughed inside. There would be in just a moment.

“Go get your hairbrush.” He looked past her at the dresser where her brush lay, casually tossed there that very morning as her mother probably rushed her to breakfast.

“Nooo. Please daddy. No. Please. You spanked me already.” she pleaded.

“Yes, well. That wasn’t even the beginning of what you will receive tonight. By the time we are done in here, not only will you have the sorest bottom you have ever known in your life, but you will be sure to never, ever do anything of this sort again. Do you understand me?”

“Yes daddy. I do, but please. Can’t I be done? I’m not going to ever do this again. I promise daddy.” The whole time her words are pouring out, her hands remain glued to her bottom as if to protect them from the assault that is about to occur.

“You will hand me that hairbrush, or you will get a lot worse than what I plan to dish out. Do you want that?” he stated calmly.

“No. Please daddy. No. I don't want that. But I won’t do it again.” James let out a sigh, starting to lose his patience. He stood and retrieved the brush.

He took his daughter by her shoulder, veered her towards the bed. Again sat on the edge of the bed and hauled his daughter unceremoniously across his knee once again.

“You will be punished at the end of this spanking for not doing what you were told.” he simply stated. Stacey braced herself for the first blow of the hairbrush and was slighly startled to realize that he had resumed spanking her again with his hands. She was also thankful that her shorts remained in place, because for whatever reason, her shorts and underwear were providing enough protection that while the spanking certainly hurt her and stung worse than anything she’d felt in a very long time, it wasn’t as bad as she had thought it would be. She knew she shouldn’t have stolen the items. In fact, she was trying to sneak the paints back into the art room to return them when she was caught. She tried to explain what had happened, but had instead managed to upset the art teacher enough that she was immediately escorted to Mr. Hill, the principal. He only met with him for 10 minutes while he expalained that she was in big trouble, that her parents would be called and that if she ever did anything like that again, she would be suspended from school. Nobody asked her what happened. She knew that returning the paints was the right thing to do, and that the impulsive decision she had made to take them in the first place was enough reason for her to be turned upended over her fathers knee for the duration of the spanks that continued to fall across her already sore bottom.

James felt that the time had come to apply the hairbrush. His daughter was being unbelievably stubborn and quiet during the hand spanking she had received, but he had no doubt that in just a moment she would be crying and pleading once again. His hand slipped beneath the wasteband of her pants, and in only one quick moment, he had both shorts and underpants at his daughter’s knees. Once Stacey realized what had happened, she began pleading again, and reaching back for her pants to pull back up. James scooted back on the bed just a bit more, realizing that to endure the spanking that she was about to receive, it would probably be more comfortable to be laying with her upper body across the bed. He adjusted her so that her pink bottom was litterally humped over his knee. The perfect position, and it also made it must harder for her to reach back and put her hands in the way, since his body was blocking.

As the hairbrush met her pink cheeks, she let out a scream that he hadn't heard like that since the year before when he had spanked her naked bottom for the door incident. Back then she had been spanked with his hand over her nightgown and panties. It had taken only about ten spanks before she had been crying and after that he lifted the gown to expose her panty clad bottom to give it a good paddling with the hairbrush. She had squealed and cried and begged and pleaded and promised to be the best little girl in the world. He had told her after the second spanking of the day, after they found out about the knife she had removed from his toolbox, that if she had ever had to be spanked again, she could expect it to be much worse.

Stacey was thinking that exact same thing as she lay across her daddy’s knees. The fire that was building in her exposed bottom was building at a very rapid rate as the hairbrush rained spank after spank. She squirmed and clawed at the bed and cried. Real tears. They began falling almost the instant that the brush found its target and met with the naked mound of her upturned left butt cheek. James began methodically spanking her right cheek, left cheek, right cheek, left cheek. Twenty times he counted. He then pushed her a tiny bit forward, braced his leg against the frame of the bed exposing the sensitive sitting spot on her bottom. In very rapid succession he peppered ten spanks to that very spot, never missing a beat, never differing from that spot. He knew that she would remember that every time she sat down for the next couple of days. As he set down the hairbrush, and allowed his crying, writhing child to begin to calm down, he considered the punishment that she would receive for disobeying him when he requested the hairbrush. Her little bottom was quite red, but not as red as he felt it needed to be.

As her sobs slowed down, and she realized that her daddy was finished spanking her, she began to relax. It was over. She used her clenched fists to ground the tears of her eyes, and buried her nose in her bedspread to wipe her nose.

As James saw his daughter relaxing, he leaned back just a bit, allowing his hand to trail down to the belt buckle at his waist. He had never used his belt on her, though he had threatened it last year. She had not needed it then, as she followed his every command. This time though, she had decided to be insolent, even if it was out of fear. She would learn to be respectful and do what she was told. He also was hoping that perhaps another spanking wouldn't be necessary in her lifetime.

Before Stacey could figure out why her father was moving about the way he was as she still lay firmly over his lap, she heard it. The leather snaked its way through the belt loops, snapping as it found the last hole. Her entire body tensed, and before she could utter a sound her father began to speak.

“Stacey, you are going to be spanked with my belt now. Do you remember why?”

The tears began pouring down her face again, as she sniffled and responded with “Because I didn’t obey you.”

“That is exactly right.” he continued as he folded the belt into a loop, gathering the slack in his hand leaving only enough to cross both cheeks simultaneously in one stroke. “and do you deserve this?” he asked her.

She remained silent. Again he hiked his leg up pushing her forward to expose that tender spot on her bottom. He lay the leather belt across the spot applying firm pressure and once again asked the question. “I asked you, young lady, if you deserve this. I definitely think it would be in your best interest to answer that question immediately.”

Stacey nodded and mumbled an almost inaudible “Yes sir.” But it pleased James just the same. He raised the belt and brought it down in a very loud “splat" across both of his daughters clenched cheeks. She screamed in pain and reached back desperately trying to cover her bottom. Her left arm couldn’t snake its way around his body, but her right hand flew back squeezing her bottom nowhere near where the belt had landed. He took his left hand which had been holding her in place on her back, and reached out to take her right wrist in his hand. He gathered it in his hand, and pinned it to her back, as he again lifted the belt and brought it down nine more times. By the time he was finished, she was an absolute mess. Her face was almost as red as her bottom, almost. Her hair was a tangled sweaty mess, and her bottom was burnt to a crisp. A spanking he was sure she would never forget.

He helped her to her feet, and suggested that she got her pajamas on. Her shorts and underwear were still at her feet and she stepped out of both. He watched her for a moment, thinking she was being defiant again, when she reached for her night gown and slipped it over her head. Ahh.. she couldn’t actually bring herself to put her panties back on. A job well done. He lifted the covers of her bed and allowed her to crawl into the bed. He saw her face grimace in pain as her bottom met the bed. He leaned down and kissed her goodnight and slipped quietly out of the darkened room.

He was rounding the corner of his own bedroom when he stopped short watching his wife undress. As she reached for her towel to go take a shower, she turned catching site of him out of her periphial vision. “You can drop the towel, and get your ass over here now.” She did drop the towel but remained standing in place. “What?” she asked.

“Oh, so you think your daughter should be punished for lying and stealing, but you don’t think you should be punished because you failed to tell me about all these discoveries you made in Stacey’s room?”

“I ... But... I... “ she stammered.

“I’m only going to ask you one question, did you find things that you knew deep down did not belong to our eight year old daughter?”

Kim nodded slowly. He took three steps to reach his wife, and three to get her over his knee on the edge of the bed and began assaulting her beautiful naked mounds with the leather belt.
posted by Kellyn Mitchell at 9:22 AM | Permalink |


At 9:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous

Not bad, I loved the ending. I wish you had written more about that.